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Accueil - Public transport

Public transport

Public transport
Façade du centre Assas de l'unniversit Paris 2 Pantéhon-Assas
How to get to the Conference venue

Here is some information about bus or underground lines that can take you to the conference venue (Centre Assas, 92 rue d’Assas, Paris, 6th district):

  • If you come from the Lyon or Austerlitz  train stations: bus 91 (your stop is Observatoire-Port Royal; then walk down rue d’Assas)
  • If you come from Saint-Lazare or Montparnasse train stations: underground line 12 (your stop is Notre-Dame des Champs ; a 5-minute walk will get you to rue d’Assas from rue Notre-Dame des Champs, through rue Vavin on the left; then turn right into rue d’Assas.
  • If you come from Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport, or from Gare du Nord: RER B (either stop at Luxembourg or Port Royal)
  • If you come from Gare de l’Est: go to Gare du Nord (underground line 4) and then get on RER B (either stop at Luxembourg or Port Royal)

Depending on your hotel location, you may find it convenient to come by bus. The following bus lines have stops close to the Centre Assas:

  • Bus 58,  82 et 83 : your stop is Guynemer-Vavin
  • Bus 68 : your stop is Vavin
  • Bus 83 : your stop is Michelet