Visit of the Senate House : Information

Visitors are expected to abide by the rules set by the Senate to make sure that visits start on time and no one is refused entry.
1. One week before the visit at the latest, a list of all the visitors is to be sent by the person responsible for the group to the office in charge of security. Only visitors whose names are on the list will be allowed in. Hence, no last minute registration can be accepted.
2. Visitors will be required to produce ID cards or passports, and to walk through metal detectors before accessing the building; throughout the visit, they will be asked to keep the vouchers they will be given before entering the building.
3. Visitors who are not dressed in a proper way, and will thus fail to show respect for the formal atmosphere of the Senate House will be denied entry.
4. Visitors are required to come without any luggage (travel bags or suitcases).
It is essential that the participants in the GERAS-sponsored visit heed the instructions they will be given as regards the organisation and the timing of the visit. Luggage will be left in a safe place at Centre Assas: it is only a ten-minute walk from the Senate House back to the conference venue.